
I’m a 26 year old living in Canberra, Australia. I love food. And I mean I really love food. Despite this, there are certain cuisines that I tend to shy away from, in particular because I’m lactose intolerant and try to eat a dairy-free diet as possible. This little fact is a large reason why I tend to eat a lot of Asian cuisine over others such as Italian. However as I am a lover of all food, I will occasionally eat Italian food and other dairy rich food because it’s sometimes really tempting. E.g. chocolate eggs over Easter time.

I’m also a lover of obscure exercise. I love being able to run around, but find that I need to distract my mind from thinking that exercise is a chore. I’ll also occasionally post things about other tidbits of my life such as music, festivals and makeup.

As of August 2014, I have also enrolled in a unit at the University of Canberra in Internet Marketing so you may find some out of place tidbits regarding marketing strategies (4 P’s whaaaa?!). Please feel free to read and learn more about the wonderful world of Internet Marking!!

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